sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

How To Generate Traffic From PLR Articles?

YouTube - Broadcast YourselfImage via Wikipedia
Submit to article directories.
PLR articles are usually used as content on a website or a blog. PLR Article can not be used just like that, they must be rewritten for a certain percentage to avoid duplicate content. If you want to add articles to article directories, you should rewrite them for at least 90 percent. If the articles are rewritten for non competitive keyword phrases, they will have a good chance of ranking high in the search engine results. The articles added to article directories inherit part of the pagerank.

At the bottom of your article you can usually add a bio or author box in which you put a link back to your website. This one example of website traffic generation.

You don’t need to rewrite articles.

There is another way to use more of your PLR articles without rewriting them. You probably have a lot of PLR articles on your computer, that you don’t use. For some reason you didn’t need them yet . Especially if you are a member of some PLR article membership site and every month you receive x number of articles in x niches. It is practically impossible to use all of the niches offered, you will only use a couple on your blogs or websites. Or you don’t feel like rewriting all of the articles because it requires too much effort.

Convert your articles to videos.

A group of programmers have come up with the idea to create a software that converts article to video. There are several benefits attached to this:

  1. You don’t have to rewrite the articles, because the search engines will only look for the tags you add to the videos. 
  2. There will be less competition from hundreds of other members, because the articles are usually used for website content or being rewritten for article directories. 
  3. You can submit to a high number of video sharing websites, such as Youtube and create backlinks to your websites. 
  4. On most of the video directories you can add a description to the video to get back links to your website. 
  5. You can customize the videos with text, colours and background music.
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