sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

How To Generate Traffic From PLR Articles?

YouTube - Broadcast YourselfImage via Wikipedia
Submit to article directories.
PLR articles are usually used as content on a website or a blog. PLR Article can not be used just like that, they must be rewritten for a certain percentage to avoid duplicate content. If you want to add articles to article directories, you should rewrite them for at least 90 percent. If the articles are rewritten for non competitive keyword phrases, they will have a good chance of ranking high in the search engine results. The articles added to article directories inherit part of the pagerank.

At the bottom of your article you can usually add a bio or author box in which you put a link back to your website. This one example of website traffic generation.

You don’t need to rewrite articles.

There is another way to use more of your PLR articles without rewriting them. You probably have a lot of PLR articles on your computer, that you don’t use. For some reason you didn’t need them yet . Especially if you are a member of some PLR article membership site and every month you receive x number of articles in x niches. It is practically impossible to use all of the niches offered, you will only use a couple on your blogs or websites. Or you don’t feel like rewriting all of the articles because it requires too much effort.

Convert your articles to videos.

A group of programmers have come up with the idea to create a software that converts article to video. There are several benefits attached to this:

  1. You don’t have to rewrite the articles, because the search engines will only look for the tags you add to the videos. 
  2. There will be less competition from hundreds of other members, because the articles are usually used for website content or being rewritten for article directories. 
  3. You can submit to a high number of video sharing websites, such as Youtube and create backlinks to your websites. 
  4. On most of the video directories you can add a description to the video to get back links to your website. 
  5. You can customize the videos with text, colours and background music.
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martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Free PLR Articles - How and Where To Find Them

Learn about plr articles and where you can get them for free. If you run a blog or website, you already know how important it is to post unique content to it on a daily basis if you have any hope of the getting any free traffic from the search engines.

Plr ( private label rights) articles are a great way to increase your website content. Plr content like articles, reports and ebooks can be purchased on the internet and can be used as your own content. With plr, you're free to publish it and site yourself as the author.

What's the benefit of doing this? If you only use free reprint articles from the big article directories, you'll not only be competing with everyone else who's using them for search engine ranking, but you'll also have to put someone else's resource box at the bottom of the article.

These links not only leak pagerank from your website but also traffic. Wouldn't you rather have your own content and keep all the traffic on your website?

There's one major problem with plr articles though. They are sometimes sold to too many people. What if 300 other sites have already published the same exact content. How are you going to rank for the same article. You're not.

The secret to using plr articles, is to rewrite them enough to make them unique in the eyes of the search engines. I don't recommend fully automatic article spinners. They just make a total mess of the article by replacing words with synonyms that don't even make sense. When you're done, all you're left with is garbage that looks it was written by a first grader that doesn't speak english.

This approach is not going to work. Don't even waste your time and money on this technique. It's especially bad form to submit this kind of junk to article directories. They'll delete it immediately and probably remove your author's account.

What I do recommend, is starting with a good quality plr article that pertains to your topic and using a semi automated process to rewrite it. The best tool that I've found to do this is mentioned on my website. With this tool, it's possible to make a totally unique version of the article that you can post to your website or blog and not be ashamed of.

I only rewrite plr articles for my own websites and blogs. If I'm going to submit an article to an article directory, I may use a plr article just to get ideas to write about. But I'll write the article in my own words and add some more information to it. Don't spin a bunch of articles and submit them to the article directories. Make sure you put some thought into them and write them yourself.

After you rewrite your article and post it on your website, the search engines will see that it is unique and not lump your article into their supplemental index with all the other copies of the original plr article.

Where can you get plr articles? You have several choices. You can buy plr packs online or you can join a plr membership site for a monthly fee. There is one other option that won't cost you a dime. Some websites offer free plr articles. Why would they do this? Most of the time, just to get your name and email address so they can later send you offers that you might be interested in buying.

I guess that's a fair trade for the free content they're giving you. Some plr websites will give you totally free plr content and not even ask for your email address. These sites make money by placing affiliate and google adsense ads on their site.
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miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

How to create unique content using PLR articles

The Windows family tree.Image via Wikipedia
Have you ever wanted to buy PLR articles, but hesitated because you were worried about duplicate content issues?

I understand how you feel. And I  understand your skepticism. I would feel the same way in your position.

Publishing PLR articles on your website just the way you got them can really affect your search engine rankings. And if you try to submit them to article directories, your article may get rejected. Article directories just don’t allow duplicate content.

So what’s the solution? As it turns out, there are several ways you can create unique content using PLR articles. Read on to learn more…

Combine two or more PLR articles to create a single unique article

This one is easy. Just take a portion from each article and put them together. Maybe add a few sentences here and there to keep the flow smooth.

Combing articles to create a unique one has an additional advantage that you can use this technique to create longer articles.

Try to look for a common theme. For example, if you take an article about Windows, another about Mac, and yet another about Linux, you can combine them and write an article that gives an overview of all the different operating systems.
Split an article into two or more longer articles

If you can combine articles, you can split them too, right?

Well, yes, technically. But then you will have to do some writing of your own.

What you can do is take a paragraph or an idea from an article and expand it into an article in its own right. For example, if you take an article about the top five ways of doing something, you can probably write a separate article for each of the methods covered in the original article.

Takes a bit of work, but hey, you end up with more number of articles than you started with.
Rewrite the article (or get someone else to do it)

If all your attempts at combining or splitting the articles to create unique content have failed, the least you can do is simply rewrite all of the PLR articles that you have.

Simply change the headline, the first paragraph, the ending, and a few sentences here and there. Should take you just a few minutes per article.

Or if you don’t want to spend the time rewriting the articles yourself, you can also outsource it to someone else on the cheap. Sites like elance or rentacoder give you access to a lot of writers who can rewrite your PLR articles.
Translate to some other language

Who says your PLR article must be used in the same language you purchased it in? There are millions of people online whose native language is something other than English. By translating your article in their language, you are not only creating unique content, but doing these people a great service.

Just be sure to ask a native speaker of the language to do the translation, and don’t use some online tool for it, or your content will look like gibberish! ;-)
Convert to audio or video

Converting your PLR articles to audio or video format will not only increase their perceived value, they will also give you a chance to make them unique as you go, without having to spend a lot of time.

You can do this with very basic equipment if you want to. No need to get too fancy. Just get a simple headphone with a mic, and a webcam, and a recording software, and you are good to go.

Convert the article to audio, and then back to text

Just put the article in front of you, start recording, and keep reading the article. But instead of repeating what’s in the article verbatim, you can keep saying each sentence in a different way than is written.

You can even expand each sentence into stories or examples, and add your own perspective here and there.

Once you have finished recording, you can transcribe it back and get a text version. If you are too lazy to type, or don’t have the time, you can use one of the transcribing services online.

And you can even point the software to a directory full or PLR articles, and it will automatically create web pages out of them. Just like that.
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sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Fast Track Cash Review

A Cray-2 supercomputer at the Musée des Arts e...Image via Wikipedia
Ewen Chia has recently created his new online marketing course called Fast Track Cash. If you do not already know Ewen, he is a highly respected world wide web advertiser and has launched multiple best selling products that I have already used to profit and make money online.

This new course includes an ebook that is 98 pages long and is an upgrade with new techniques from his previous Autopilot Cash System. If you are still struggling to make money online and frustrated, I would recommend that you try out this new course because I have used it and know that it certainly works.

What Can You Expect to Find Inside the Fast Track Cash Guide?

One of the best parts of the course is the inclusion of the 7 Day Fast Track Cash Action Plan PDF. This plan is very easy to understand and follow, and it can be used by marketers with no experience at all as well as those that are already making some money online. By following the plans and techniques laid out in the action plan guide, I am starting to see an automated income being generated into my accounts ever since I started to set up the niche marketing systems.

Is The Fast Track Cash System Right For You?

Even though from the main website that it looks like this course has been created mainly to cater to beginners who are just starting to make money online, there are actually a ton of unconventional traffic generation strategies that will greatly benefit those who already have some of the own Internet businesses online.

Other learning how to create your offer, knowing how to find the maximum, high quality traffic to your websites is another very essential skill to have in order to be able to generate sustainable income online. Once you set up the traffic systems, you will see visitors flowing to your websites and commissions being generated into your account effortlessly.
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miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Incredible Power of PLR to Spit Out Profit Pulling Products & Cheat Your Way to Success!

Using PLR properly is not as simple as it sounds, most people just take their PLR and at most give it a lick of paint and try to pass it off as something new and amazing - that just doesn't work, with my system you can quickly  and easily create a high quality product that stands out from the competition and you can sell for a premium price!

Meanwhile everyone else is clambering around with the same PLR trying to sell it cheaper than their competitors so the price goes down to something ludicrous like $3, you can swim round like a shark mopping up all their customer even though you are charging $47/$67 because your product is now unique!

Make no mistake, you are going to have to put in some effort to make this system work, but you are harnessing the incredible power of PLR to help you cut out most of the writing and idea generation, you are just taking the framework and then molding it into a priceless work of art!

Here is what you could be learning just minutes from now!

  • The top 7 PLR mistakes people make which stop their success dead in its tracks!
  • How to avoid the 'PLR Blackhole' which saps your time and energy but gives you nothing back in return... (I've suffered through this and I don't want you to!)
  • The 5 step system I use every time to create high priced unique products from any PLR I buy (brutally effective!).
  • The one secret you need to know to turn your little PLR product into an empire that others can't compete with (so many people get this wrong!)
  • 8 of the best ways to use PLR so you can make sure you get the most money out of every item you buy.
  • How to spot the rights you need so you don't end up buying dud PLR you can't use for anything!
  • One simple way to turn around and make some quick cash off almost every PLR report you buy...
  • 2 ways to use PLR to drive your affiliate commissions through the roof!
  • and so much more! 
Get more info Click here
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