martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Who Else Needs Quality Content for Their Online Business?

The life of an internet marketer revolves around one thing: Content. You need articles for your blog, more great content for your newsletter or ezine, and even more quality articles if you plan to do article marketing or guest blogging to get free advertising for your website. So, before you throw in the towel completely, let me share a few ideas with you that may help you to actually have time away from your computer.

When looking for articles, you have several options. I personally recommend that you use several of these suggestions to add a variety of content to your websites.

I'll start with a few of my favorites...

Grab some Free Reprint Articles at the Directories.

Article directories like, and are packed with quality articles that you can reprint on your site. The only requirements are that you do not edit the article in any way and that you include the author's resource box (or bio) at the end including the link or two that the author has included to his/her website.

It's a win-win situation. The author gets free advertising. You, the publisher, get free content.

There are three negatives to using this type of article.

  • First is the issue of duplicate content. You're sharing the same exact articles as everyone else that uses that directory. This is not a big deal at all if you're using the article in your ezine, obviously, since duplicate content is only an issue with the search engines. It's also not a huge issue for your blog or website, as long as you write an introduction to the article, and preferably a wrap-up statement or recommendation at the end.
  • Second is the very difficult issue of finding quality content. Gone are the days of grabbing any old free reprint article. You want Expert Content only – and many of the article directories have “bleck” articles.
  • Third is the issue of posting those darn links in the author resource box. You're basically advertising for someone else for free. Ouch.
Good news! I can help you with the free advertising part in the next section of this article.

Use Extra-Special Free Reprint Articles.

Oftentimes ebook owners and other marketers with affiliate programs offer articles with a twist. You get to replace the link(s) in the author resource box with YOUR affiliate link for that program.

Here you'll find many articles that meet that criteria:

OR, if your favorite Experts regularly offer reprint articles, ask if this is an option for you.

That way, the expert still gets free advertising. And, you, the publisher, still get great content. But, you can also benefit by earning affiliate commissions as well.

This model definitely adds an increased level of appeal compared to traditional reprint articles. Wouldn't you agree?

Write the Articles Yourself.
You can choose to write some of your web content yourself. I highly recommend that you do write much of your own content, at least on the sites where you're trying to establish yourself as an authority.

However, there are options below that will enable you to post quality content to your website without having to write all of it yourself. (Some you can just edit and use.)  The difference in the options below is that YOU become the expert, rather than endorsing someone else as the expert.

Hire a Quality Ghostwriter or Copywriter.

A ghostwriter is a freelancer who writes for you (usually articles or reports), but you take the credit.

A copywriter specializes in writing copy that sells, and you usually take the credit.

There are many sites on the web where you can find writers. Start by asking around, or go to sites like (a job posting site) or (a directory of freelancers) to look around. Having a ghostwriter on hand can keep your blog fresh and active.

Our Favorite Shortcut: Stock up on PLR articles.

PLR articles stands for Private Label Rights articles. PLR articles are usually written by a ghostwriter and sold to several website owners. This means that you (and a limited number of other bloggers) can edit the articles and publish them without being required to link back to anyone or give anyone credit for writing them. You become the expert when using PLR articles.

Customize the articles, tweak them for your market, insert examples or photos or case studies and publish them on your website -- or just use them as they are. Either way, you gain a lot of flexibility when working with PLR. Not only that but they are very affordable.

So, How do you Find a Good PLR Service?

Simple. Find a PLR site that's been around for awhile and offers professionally-written and edited content that's sold in limited quantities. That will ensure that you're not getting recycled PLR, but are getting your hands on top-quality content.

Our Recommendation for Top Quality PLR, Sold in Very Limited Quantities: has been offering the best niche plr article packs on the web since 2006.
  • Great reputation. Thousands of happy, repeat customers over the years.
  • Great quality. The content is written by Professional Writers on staff and Edited by a Separate staff member.
  • Limited Availability. You're not sharing your articles with thousands of other people.
  • Run by a Respected Internet Marketer. Nicole Dean owns and is oftentimes called the marketer with integrity, and runs her business by her gut and her ethics, not strictly by her pocketbook.
  • Excellent customer support. Need any help? They're there for you.
I'm a customer at and I highly recommend their content. Check it out here.

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lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009

How to Find started With an Article Marketing Strategy

You know that you need an article marketing strategy and you don't know where to start.  But it's not as hard as you believe.  The most vital part of any article marketing strategy is that you do it at all.  So many people know that they need to be doing article marketing, but something else always seems to be the 1st priority. 

The second most important thing about your article marketing strategy ( besides just doing it at all ) it to make sure that you do it well.  So many people go through all the trouble of putting together a great article marketing strategy, planning all the different directories that they're going to submit to and how often they're going to submit, and so on and such like.  And then, when they really submit their articles, they are too short, poorly written, and full of spelling and grammar mistakes. 

By not taking care to put well-written content in your articles, and then checking them to make sure that they're free of spelling and grammar errors, you've just wasted all the time that you spent putting together your article marketing strategy.  If your article is bad, it won't get approved, and your article marketing strategy has failed before it even had an opportunity to get off the ground. 

Once you've got solid content in your articles then you can start to concentrate on the logistics of your article marketing strategy.  And truly, the best strategy, if you're just starting out, is to find someone who can say what they do and has found methods ( and built tools ) to make executing your article marketing strategy far easier and less time consuming for you. 

So, now you have great content for your article, you have found the way to get your articles out there that's quicker than having to do it all manually.  Now, you're ready for your article marketing strategy : get articles out there.  Really.  There are numerous article directories that you can submit your articles to ; one of the biggest is Ezine Articles.  You'll have specific niche directories that you are going to want to submit your articles to ; it'll rely on the character of what you want to promote. 

So now you know the two things you need to get started with a basic article marketing strategy - write good quality articles and submit them often.  For more detailed article marketing methods to help you with your specific goals, you need to discover a trusted source that may lead you in the right path and give you the tools that you need to execute it.

For step-by-step training that walks you through how to do your article marketing strategy to get the best backlinks and increase your traffic and Google ranking, check out

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martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

Abundance Stimulus Pack is live!

Abundance Stimulus Pack The Abundance Stimulus Pack is now live!
Ronnie Nijmeh of has just released the Abundance Stimulus Pack, a set of 5 ready-to-sell PLR products with the complete package of "cut and paste" marketing materials.
Learn more here:
Ronnie's only selling 250 copies of the pack and based on the buzz around the 'net, it's really going to sell out quick. So if you're interested, I suggest you grab yours now. is not like other PLR content out there. It's got the best quality I've ever seen in PLR and typically comes at a premium price…
…but now you can get FIVE top quality PLR products for less than 30 bucks each. (Plus, the topics are always in high demand.)
Well I'm gonna stop yakking now and send you on your way.
Go here now:

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009

Review of

Review of Personal Development PLR Content: An Efficient and Effective Resource for PLR Content
is a breath of fresh air in many respects. While there are a lot of different resources for private label rights content on the market, consistently hits the mark.

What's PLR?

Before we begin, I should explain what PLR is all about. PLR or Private Label Rights material, provides you an opportunity to get all the content you need for your website without actually having to write it yourself. Someone else researches, writes, edits, and designs the articles and content so you don't have to.

You pay a small membership fee each month to gain access to the PLR articles and resources. Then you can brand them as your own and use them in just about any way that you see fit.

This really works out well if you don't want to spend all your time simply building your website or creating products from scratch. It frees up your time so you can build your business, establish solid relationships, and drive traffic to your site.

What Do You Get?

When you join you’ll have access to more than 80 Web 2.0 documents each month, including articles, PDF downloads, checklists, guides, worksheets, positive affirmations, and even inspirational computer wallpapers.

This is a lot of content and you can do an enormous amount of things with it!

How Much? really is a bargain when you price out the costs. This resource offers not only the content that you need, but clear, concise, search engine optimized content. You’ll have the benefit of a North American team who are the best at what they do creating your content for you.

Ask yourself... how much would I spend to create 80+ pages of quality content on my site, blog or email newsletter? If you did it yourself, you'd easily spend half the month creating the content while you could be making better use of your time.

Who's Behind It?

Nijmeh, the founder and coach to the members, is also an established expert based in Toronto, Canada. He "walks the walk" and "talks the talk" as they say.

He has appeared on radio and television and gets more than 23,000 visitors to just one of his sites each month... all this from using PLR content. He knows his stuff and has nothing to hide.

What Bonuses Should I Expect?

addition to the great content at, you also get bonuses. One of the most helpful bonuses is the Mastermind calls. These exclusive, members-only calls take you through actionable strategies to boost your
profits and generate high quality traffic flowing to your sites like never before.

I've seen some gurus charge $97 per month just for a mastermind call, so the value with is truly stounding.

The best thing about is that you get all of this for less than you would spend on a nice dinner. The trial is only $19! It's a really incredible deal, no doubt about it.

You get all the content that you could ever need for your website as well as the Mastermind calls to help you profit from your business like never before... it's really a no-brainer in my opinion.

You get great content, traffic, and increased profits from a guy who's been in the trenches for years. Check it out, you'll be glad you did.

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

What Can I Do with Personal Development PLR Articles?

It's always good to have an influx of high quality content to use for your website. However, many people, once they have it, don't know what to do with it. It can be a little overwhelming when you have always struggled with the creative end of things and you suddenly don't have that standing in your way.

With excellent self-help private label rights articles, such as the ones from, the content is already optimized to bring visitors to your website and provide them with valuable information. You can use them as they are or you can tweak them to provide a unique perspective. You can also combine them to create totally new products. The choice is yours.

Ways You Can Use Your Personal Development PLR Articles

When you have a PLR membership with, you’ll be able to accomplish a ton with your PLR self-help articles. Some of the things that you are encouraged to do include:
  1. Combine the articles to create a unique eBook.
  2. Give the articles away to your customers to boost loyalty.
  3. Package them with other products to add value.
  4. Offer the articles, affirmations, reports, ebooks, and worksheets as a bonus.
  5. Use them to entice new subscribers to your newsletter.
  6. Post them as content on your website.
  7. Revise and rename the articles to make them unique.
  8. Provide them as a valuable addition to your membership site.
Within these ideas you’ll be able to do even more with your PLR personal development articles, such as:
  • Post the content on a blog.
  • Use the material within an e-book as a starting-point.
  • Offer print-on-demand books quickly and easily.
  • Use the information to record a podcast or audio CD.
  • Create a video and post it on your website or YouTube.
  • Present a teleseminar with the information.
As you can see, your options with's Personal Development PLR content are wide open. You can be as creative as you want. In fact, the open ended nature of the content is what makes PLR self-help articles so attractive! You can do what you want with the content to make it yours and to appeal to your target audience to the very best of your ability.

The great thing about having a membership is that you can take the PLR articles and content packs and bend them, shape them, and mold them to your needs. Each month, without fail, you’ll have all the content you need to keep your website looking fresh, to make new and interesting offers, and to really drive traffic like never before.

Are There Limits?

While you can use your PLR health articles to promote your website in new and interesting ways month in and month out, there are some limitations to your private label content from

The few limitations include:
  • You cannot syndicate the articles in the article directories.
  • You cannot sell the resale rights.
  • You cannot sell the master resale rights.
  • You cannot sell the private label rights.
  • You cannot sell the content in an auction.
As you can see, when you use PLR personal development articles from there is a lot more that you can do than you cannot do!

Take the initiative today to generate a constant flow of traffic to your website that will bring in targeted prospects and profitable sales.

Check out for the best in private label content, and your customers will reward you.

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Great PLR content for nothing is a reality after all

I've been doing a lot of reading lately about Private Label Rights (PLR) content. I used to think that it was only for lazy people who didn't want to do their own writing. But as I learn more, I've come up with lots of great ways I can use PLR in my own business.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, PLR is content that you get from the original author along with their permission to use it as your own. So you can get a great report, put your name on it and have your own product to sell or give away!

The first couple of products I created using PLR only took me about half an hour. There have been a few sales so far from them so that was definitely time well spent.

When searching for PLR content to use, I found there were a lot of different types of sites available. Some offered monthly memberships and others offered just one time purchases. So be sure to look around before you decide where to buy.

The site I found that was by far the best was PLRWholesaler. Not only do they have an unbelievable amount of content, but it's completely FREE. Most sites charge an arm and a leg for the amount of content that this guy is giving away.

And although I haven't been through everything yet, what I have read is very good quality. It's stuff you would actually want to use as your own.

Since it's free, I highly recommend that you check out PLRWholesaler and see if they have anything that you can use in your business. There just may be an ebook or audio recording that you could quickly brand with your information and start selling to your list.Check it out and let me know what you think...   Click Here

Is a Google AdWords Definitive Guide Really What You Need?

If you’re looking for a Google Adwords definitive guide, there are plenty on the market out there. You can’t swing a cat without finding an ebook or physical book that claims that they are the Google Adwords definitive guide – the one and only thing that you’ll need.
But how can a guide, even the end-all and be-all, you’ll never need another guide for Adwords definitive guide help you make money? What those guides show you is how Adwords work and how to use them. They claim that with their Google Adwords definitive guide that you’ll be able to start making money today.
And while they’re right, you can start making money, is it going to be the amount of money you are satisfied with? While I’m sure that those Google Adwords definitive guides offer up all the information they promise, and even show you great ways to make some money on Adwords, they won’t be able to bring you sustained business, or give you something you can really guild a career around.
And why is that? Because they are the Google Adwords definitive guide, not the running PPC websites and campaigns as a living guides. And if you’re serious about making money online, for a living, on a long term basis, then that’s the kind of guide you need, not an Adwords Definitive Guide. No matter how good they are at showing you how to use AdWords, and even to make money using it, you need something more.
But is there a guide out there that can give you all that information, and not just an AdWords definitive guide? I’m sure many try, but the problem is this – when it comes to really making money online with PPC advertising, the game is always changing. As certain methods become popular, as different people jump on and off of bandwagons, the best methods and ways to make money online changes.
All of those changes can make it hard for any kind of guide, AdWords definitive guide or not, to keep up. So what if your guide wasn’t really a guide? What if your guide was really a system, supported by a group of people trying to do the same thing you were? And that system was fluid, changing and adapting to the needs of the PPC advertising market. By the very nature of its adaptability, that would really be the AdWords definitive guide that you could take to the bank.
That kind of system could really help you to put money in the bank. So instead of searching for a Google AdWords definitive guide to show you how to use AdWords, find yourself a system that will teach you how to make money online, which will also include how to use AdWords.
If you want to get serious about PPC marketing and AdWords, Click HERE Now to claim your $1 FULL ACCESS to PPCKahuna Now!

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Send a test message from, great tool,

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Need Good Quality Content - EasyPLR Is Your Source Of Good Quality Contents

EasyPLR offers private label rights articles which are sold in packs to web publishers looking for top quality content for their websites or blogs. This site also sells content to offline publishers like local parenting magazines and coffee table book publishers.

The customers at EasyPLR are website or blog owners who are interested in adding quality content to their website or blog to give added value for their readers. These people are usually in the market for unique, quality content, but cannot afford to pay ghostwriter’s higher prices. Their solution? To purchase quality PLR and edit it to become uniquely theirs.

You can use the PLR articles from EasyPLR for blog posts, newsletter articles, or to create e-courses for your autoresponder. Pull all the articles together in a document, add graphics, and turn it into a pdf ebook. Then, offer that pdf as a freebie to your list. Create an information product, put your name on it and sell it. The uses are only limited by your imagination.

EasyPLR articles are affordable and they always have many different topics to choose from. The articles are top quality, written by a paid professional writer and then also edited by a second professional writer to maintain the highest quality. Then the articles can be personalized to better fit your site and you can claim them as your own.

The people at EasyPLR only sell a limited amount of each topic so you aren’t regurgitating the same stuff everyone else is. The other benefit of choosing EasyPLR is that there is no membership required. You can shop just for what you need – and get what you need without loading up on miscellaneous or useless content like many PLR memberships. The folks at EasyPLR also include suggested affiliate programs to monetize the PLR that you purchase.

You must keep in mind that the content will not be original to you. However, unlike most PLR sites, the packs are sold in very limited quantities. The only other negative for this site is that you can’t always find content on the topic that you’re looking for. However, the PLR quality more than makes up for that – when you can find the topic that you need. And you can always request a particular topic.

If you’re using PLR for any reason, be sure to check this site out.

Some of EasyPLR PLR Private Label Rights articles includes :-
  • Christian Christmas PLR Pack
  • Women's Health PLR Pack
  • Online Direct Sales PLR Pack
  • Healthy Eating PLR Pack
  • Home Business Ideas PLR Pack
  • Organize Your Home Room by Room PLR Pack
  • Writing For Pay PLR Pack
  • Weight Loss PLR Pack
  • Homeschool Article PLR Pack
  • Selling on eBay Article PLR Pack
  • Build Website Traffic PLR Pack
  • Blogging Mini PLR Pack
  • Romance Articles Pack
  • Romantic Gift Ideas Pack
  • Halloween PLR Articles
  • WAHM (Work at Home Mom) Life Articles
  • Finance Pack
  • Frugality Pack
  • Scrapbooking Ideas for New Mom
EasyPLR normally limit to only 60 of their PLR articles pack so you know EasyPlr PLR articles pack are not widespread like other PLR sites.

CLICK HERE to go to

best PLR content graphic
