domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Great PLR content for nothing is a reality after all

I've been doing a lot of reading lately about Private Label Rights (PLR) content. I used to think that it was only for lazy people who didn't want to do their own writing. But as I learn more, I've come up with lots of great ways I can use PLR in my own business.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, PLR is content that you get from the original author along with their permission to use it as your own. So you can get a great report, put your name on it and have your own product to sell or give away!

The first couple of products I created using PLR only took me about half an hour. There have been a few sales so far from them so that was definitely time well spent.

When searching for PLR content to use, I found there were a lot of different types of sites available. Some offered monthly memberships and others offered just one time purchases. So be sure to look around before you decide where to buy.

The site I found that was by far the best was PLRWholesaler. Not only do they have an unbelievable amount of content, but it's completely FREE. Most sites charge an arm and a leg for the amount of content that this guy is giving away.

And although I haven't been through everything yet, what I have read is very good quality. It's stuff you would actually want to use as your own.

Since it's free, I highly recommend that you check out PLRWholesaler and see if they have anything that you can use in your business. There just may be an ebook or audio recording that you could quickly brand with your information and start selling to your list.Check it out and let me know what you think...   Click Here

Is a Google AdWords Definitive Guide Really What You Need?

If you’re looking for a Google Adwords definitive guide, there are plenty on the market out there. You can’t swing a cat without finding an ebook or physical book that claims that they are the Google Adwords definitive guide – the one and only thing that you’ll need.
But how can a guide, even the end-all and be-all, you’ll never need another guide for Adwords definitive guide help you make money? What those guides show you is how Adwords work and how to use them. They claim that with their Google Adwords definitive guide that you’ll be able to start making money today.
And while they’re right, you can start making money, is it going to be the amount of money you are satisfied with? While I’m sure that those Google Adwords definitive guides offer up all the information they promise, and even show you great ways to make some money on Adwords, they won’t be able to bring you sustained business, or give you something you can really guild a career around.
And why is that? Because they are the Google Adwords definitive guide, not the running PPC websites and campaigns as a living guides. And if you’re serious about making money online, for a living, on a long term basis, then that’s the kind of guide you need, not an Adwords Definitive Guide. No matter how good they are at showing you how to use AdWords, and even to make money using it, you need something more.
But is there a guide out there that can give you all that information, and not just an AdWords definitive guide? I’m sure many try, but the problem is this – when it comes to really making money online with PPC advertising, the game is always changing. As certain methods become popular, as different people jump on and off of bandwagons, the best methods and ways to make money online changes.
All of those changes can make it hard for any kind of guide, AdWords definitive guide or not, to keep up. So what if your guide wasn’t really a guide? What if your guide was really a system, supported by a group of people trying to do the same thing you were? And that system was fluid, changing and adapting to the needs of the PPC advertising market. By the very nature of its adaptability, that would really be the AdWords definitive guide that you could take to the bank.
That kind of system could really help you to put money in the bank. So instead of searching for a Google AdWords definitive guide to show you how to use AdWords, find yourself a system that will teach you how to make money online, which will also include how to use AdWords.
If you want to get serious about PPC marketing and AdWords, Click HERE Now to claim your $1 FULL ACCESS to PPCKahuna Now!

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